Create Repository & Upload to GitHub

It is necessary for every code writer to manage their code, or the code will be a mass.

And today, I’d like to introduce the famous code management tools — Git, and a website created by Linus — Github, which can help you easily put your code in order.

At the very beginning, you should have a account of GitHub. Just following the guide of and you can get that. Then a git bash has to be installed at your local system.

Now we start creating Local Repository and uploading it to your GitHub.

First of all, we need a Repository to store our code. Click the New Repository on your right:

After that, edit your Repository’s properties:

  • your Repository Name
  • your Repository’s Description
  • Public/Private(You need to pay for your Repository per month if you choose Private)

and so on.

Click Create repository, and GitHub will teach you how to create your local Repository and upload it:

open your konsole -> "cd" to the place where you need to be created as a local Repository -> "git init" -> "git add" your files -> "git commit" ->"git remote add origin" add your GitHub Repository's URL -> "git push -u origin master".

Now your code Repository has been uploaded to your GItHub.

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