Use your own command in terminal

Maybe you want to start a software by only a few words just like “tb” to start thunderbird. Maybe you want to “cd ../../..” easier. Maybe you want to short “clear” to “cr”.

After reading this share, you can edit whatever command you want in Ubuntu.

  1. find ~/.bashrc
  2. sudo edit it, add source ~/.myFunc in the last line.(you can change ~/.myFunc to whatever name & path you want)
  3. create file ~/.myFunc.
  4. edit file ~/.myFunc :
function 3..() { cd ../../..; }

function cr() { clear; }

function tb() { /usr/bin/thunderbird; }

function c() { cd $1; }

you can only type “3..” to “cd ..” three times, use cr to clear your teminal, use tb to launch thunderbird, use c to replace cd

My personal command config files are there.

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